Black Lives Matter

The San Francisco Trans March totally supports and stands behind all the folks rising up against the centuries of injustice and violence against Black bodies. In the past few weeks alone, we’ve all learned the names of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Tony McDade. We will not describe what happened because graphic images and graphic descriptions of violence against Black bodies can be extremely traumatizing. All info is easy to find if you want details.

Today is the first day of a month where we commemorate Stonewall, a police riot. Trans March is built upon the legacy of Stonewall, Compton’s and the many other actions that led up to them. We commemorate and celebrate these events every year in June because they kick-started the movements for our rights. These actions were largely led by Black trans women because they were the most marginalized with the least to lose. They battled cops and destroyed property and, as a result, paved the way for us to get many of the rights we enjoy today. Every single living trans and queer person owes a huge debt of gratitude to these folks for rioting.

As trans people, we also remember those of our own who were murdered every year at Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). And, every year, around 90% of the US murders are of Black trans women. This year, we’ll be adding a Black trans man to that horrific list: Tony McDade. If you didn’t know he was trans, you’re not alone. His name has been missing from most major media and, when it was included, he was often misgendered.

At TDOR, we call out repeatedly for the violence against us to end and it never does. It sometimes feels overwhelming for us. Now imagine what it feels like for Black folks right now, who are murdered at a rate many times that of trans people.

Say their names. Remember them. And then fight like hell for the living.

Black. Lives. Matter.

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